Student Visions was incorporated in Oregon as a not-for-profit corporation on June 22, 2004 and received its tax status as a Section 501 (c) (3) from the Internal Revenue Service on August 1, 2004. The Oregon State Department of Education approved Student Visions' registration as a Private Alternative school on November 3, 2005 and as a Private School on December 20, 2005. Student Visions is also included on the Oregon Supplemental Educational Services Provider (SESP) list.
In our early beginings, we have made a difference in the lives of more than 127 students who have received our services. Currently, we have over 450 young students of middle school, high school, and college age who are eagerly awaiting participation in our programs. Our goal is to grow and expand so we can help six thousand students per year thoughout the United States by 2008.
Our motto -- "Mind, Body, Spirit" -- represents our philosophy of helping students achieve personal success while providing an opportunity for them to better understand and appreciate family, diversity and global community needs. The ultimate human payoff of this program is not where the students go to college or are employed, but what they learn about themselves and others.
Helping students achieve personal growth in mind, body and spirit.
Improving students' scholastic performance by enhancing their academic experience in a culturally diverse environment;
Encouraging individual fitness through exercise or participation in sports, and making opportunities available to become aware of personal health challenges and diet;
Fostering good family relations based on love and respect, generosity and acceptance of others.
Participating in service activities in order to gain a sense of community, responsibility for others and a perspective on their own lives.