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In Profile Sample, you will find a sample of what your student profile will look like.

Please remember that your completed profile will be viewed by prospective college admissions and financial aid personnel, college coaches, prospective employers, internship providers and sponsors.
Therefore, it is your responsibility to make sure that your questionnaire is filled out accurately and completely. Your information will help determine your eligibility for a possible college scholarship and/or grant.

A photograph of yourself is required for your profile; if you live within a 60 mile radius of our office, please call for an appointment to get your photograph taken. Otherwise, please send a 5x7 professional photograph with a light blue background. If you play sports, please take your professional photo wearing your uniform.

You will not see your profile online until all your information is completed and your photograph is received. If you have any questions or need assistance with your profile, please call our office at 503.977.1734 or contact us by e-mail.